Artificial Intelligence Expert Bill Lotter, PhD Joins Data Science Faculty
The Department of Data Science faculty welcomes Bill Lotter, PhD on October 1, 2022.
Dr. Lotter joins Dana-Farber from DeepHealth Inc., a company he co-founded to improve diagnostic tools and outcomes in medical imaging. The company develops artificial intelligence (AI) software to assist radiologists, with a special focus on mammography. It was acquired in 2020 by RadNet Inc., the largest provider of outpatient imaging services in the United States.
As Chief Technology Officer of DeepHealth and Vice President of Machine Learning at RadNet, Dr. Lotter led the development of two FDA-cleared products that are now processing over 1 million mammograms per year. Dr. Lotter’s research has detailed the AI algorithms underlying these products, as well as their ability to aid in earlier breast cancer detection. He will bring his expertise in developing clinically-effective AI to novel applications within Dana-Farber.
“Building high-performing AI algorithms with clinical integration in mind can enable more widespread access to quality care,” said Dr. Lotter. “I’m excited to join the unique Dana-Farber ecosystem and collaborate on new AI applications to improve cancer care for all.”
Dr. Lotter will be Assistant Professor, Pathology Department at Harvard Medical School and an independent faculty member in Data Science. He received his PhD in Biophysics and Computational Science, where he developed computer vision algorithms for computational neuroscience in addition to medical imaging.