With a career at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, you can play an important role in helping to fulfill our mission and ultimate goal: the eradication of cancer and related diseases.
Application submissions for two faculty positions are currently being reviewed.
Biostatistics & Computational Biology Collaborative Team
If you have a master’s degree in Biostatistics, Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, or Genomics Science, and would like to explore a career in cancer research collaborations please consider joining our collaborative team. Our collaborators work on a wide variety of topics including clinical trials, genomics, epigenomics, early detection, biomarker discovery, immuno-oncology, natural language processing (NLP), vaccine development, clinical imaging, and molecular imaging. Application evaluation and interviews occur annually starting in February.
Open Positions:
Postdoctoral Fellows
Are you a recent Ph.D. graduate or a doctoral candidate nearing graduation with a passion for applied statistics, machine learning, or computational biology? If so, we invite you to explore our Postdoctoral Fellows Program, which offers the flexibility to join a research group in our department, be co-mentored by two or more faculty members, and/or work collaboratively as a data scientist with DFCI investigators outside our department. Our department has a diverse group of faculty members that can serve as mentors and DFCI has numerous world-renowned basic biologists and clinical investigators looking for collaborators with your skills.
There are currently no positions open in Administration.