
Arfé, Andrea, Brian Alexander, and Lorenzo Trippa. "Bayesian optimality of testing procedures for survival data." arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.00161 (2019).

Bustoros et. al. Progression risk stratification of Asymptomatic Waldenström Macroglobulinemia, JCO, 2019

Gotmaker et al. Bayesian adaptive design, the future for regional anesthesia trials? Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine, 2019

Alexander, Brian M., Jonathan D. Schoenfeld, and Lorenzo Trippa. Hazards of Hazard Ratios Deviations from Model Assumptions in Immunotherapy. New England Journal of Medicine (2018): 1158-1159.

Sklavenitis-Pistofidis, Romanos, et al. "Bortezomib overcomes the negative impact of CXCR4 mutations on survival of Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia patients." blood 132.24 (2018): 2608-2612.

Ventz, Steffen, Brian M. Alexander, and Lorenzo Trippa. "Bayesian Adaptive Randomization in Dose-Finding Trials." JAMA network open 1.8 (2018): e186075-e186075.

De Vito, R., Bellio, R., Trippa, L., & Parmigiani, G. (2018). Bayesian Multi-study Factor Analysis for High-throughput Biological Data. arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.09896.

Ventz, S., Cellamare, M., Bacallado, S., & Trippa, L. (2018). Bayesian Uncertainty Directed Trial Designs. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1-13.

Madsen, T., Braun, D., Peng, G., Parmigiani, G., & Trippa, L. (2018). Efficient computation of the joint probability of multiple inherited risk alleles from pedigree data. Genetic Epidemiology, 42(6), 528-538.

Vanderbeek, Alyssa M., et al. "The clinical trials landscape for glioblastoma: is it adequate to develop new treatments?." Neuro Oncol (2018).

O'Donnell, Elizabeth K., et al. "A phase 2 study of modified lenalidomide, bortezomib and dexamethasone in transplant ineligible multiple myeloma." British journal of haematology (2018).

De Vito, R., Bellio, R., Trippa, L., & Parmigiani, G. Multi-study factor analysis. Biometrics (2018) preprint arXiv:1611.06350.

S. Ventz, B. Alexander, R. Gelber, G. Parmigiani and L. Trippa. Designing Clinical Trials That Accept New Arms: An Example in Metastatic Breast Cancer. JCO 2017 ( -PDF

S. Ventz, M. Cellamare, G. Parmigiani and L. Trippa. Adding Experimental Arms to Ongoing Clinical Trials. Biostatistics - 2017 -PDF

S. Bacallado, M. Battiston, S. Favaro and L. Trippa. Sufficientness postulates for Gibbs-type priors and hierarchical generalizations. Statistica Science - 2017 -PDF

Steffen Ventz, William T. Barry, Giovanni Parmigiani, and Lorenzo Trippa. Bayesian Response-Adaptive Designs for Basket Trials. Biometrics - 2017 -PDF

B Ren, S Bacallado, S Favaro, S Holmes, L Trippa. Bayesian Nonparametric Ordination for the Analysis of Microbial Communities. JASA (arXiv preprint arXiv:1601.05156) - 2017

Lorenzo Trippa, Giovanni Parmigiani, Steffen Ventz. Combining Bayesian Experimental Designs and Frequentist Data Analyses: Motivations and Examples. Applied_Stochastic_Models_in_Business_and_Industry - 2017 -pdf-

Manier, S., Liu, C., AvetLoiseau, H., Park, J., Shiand, J., Campigotto, F., Salem, K., Huynh, D., Glavey, S., Rivotto, B., Sacco, A., Roccaro, A., Minvielle, S., Moreau, P., Facon, T., Leleu, X., Weller, E., Trippa, L., and Ghobrial, I. Prognostic role of circulating exosomal miRNAs in multiple myeloma. Blood (2017)

Tanguturi, S., Trippa, L., Ramkissoon, S., Horvath, M., Reardon, D., Lin- deman, N., Ligon, A., Parmigiani, G., Wen, P., Ligon, K., and Alexander, B. Leveraging molecular datasets for biomarker-based clinical trial design in glioblastoma. Neuro-Oncology (2017)

Friedman, A., Xia, Y., Trippa, Lorenzo., Le, L., Igras, V., Frederick, D., Wargo, J., Tanabe, K., Lawrence, D., Neuberg, D., Flaherty, K., and Fisher, D. Feasibility of ultra-high-throughput functional screening of melanoma biopsies for dis- covery of novel cancer drug combinations. Clinical Cancer Research (2017)

L.Trippa, B.Alexander, Bayesian Baskets: A Novel Design for Biomarker-Based Clinical Trials. Journal of Clinical Oncology - 2016

M. Cellamare, S. Ventz, E. Boudin, C. Mitnick, and L. Trippa. Bayesian response adaptive trials in tuberculosis: The endtb trial. The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease - 2016, preprint-PDF-proof

M. Cellamare, S. Ventz, E. Boudin, C. Mitnick, and L. Trippa. Bayesian adaptive randomization in a clinical trial to identify new regimens for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. Clinical Trials, 2016

G. Giecold, E. Marco, L. Trippa, and G.-C. Yuan. Robust lineage reconstruction from high-dimensional single-cell data. Nucleic Acids Research, 2016 preprint-PDF-proof

S. Jo, J. Lee, P. Müller, F. A. Quintana, and L. Trippa. Dependent species sampling models for spatial density estimation. Bayesian Analysis, 2016 preprint-PDF-proof

J. Lee and L. Trippa. Adaptive clinical trial designs in oncology. Cancer Clinical Trials: Current and Controversial Issues in Design and Analysis - Chapman Hall/CRC Biostatistics Series - Editors: Stephen L. George, Xiaofei Wang , Herbert Pang, 2016

J. Antonelli, L. Trippa, S. Haneuse, et al. Mitigating bias in generalized linear mixed models: The case for bayesian nonparametrics. Statistical Science, 31 (1): 80<>95, 2016 preprint-PDF-proof

L.Trippa, G.Parmigiani, Comment to "Bayesian Nonparametric Estimation for Dynamic Treatment Regimes With Sequential Transition Times", Journal of the American Statistical Association - 2016 ( link )

Y. Zhang, L. Trippa, and G. Parmigiani. Optimal bayesian adaptive trials when treatment efficacy depends on biomarkers. Biometrics, 2015 preprint-PDF-proof

S. Bacallado, S. Favaro, B. Pande, and L. Trippa. Bayesian regularization of the length of memory in reversible sequences. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B, 2015a

L. Zhao, B. Claggett, L. Tian, H. Uno, M. Pfeer, S. Solomon, L. Trippa, and L. Wei. On the restricted mean survival time curve in survival analysis. Biometrics, 2015

J. Bowden and L. Trippa. Bias adjusted estimation for binary outcomes in clinical trials using adaptive randomization. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 2015

S. Bacallado, S. Favaro, and L. Trippa. Looking-backward probabilities for gibbs-type exchangeable random partitions. Bernoulli, 21 (1): 1<>37, 2015c

L. Trippa, L. Waldron, C. Huttenhower, G. Parmigiani, et al. Bayesian nonparametric cross-study validation of prediction methods. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 9 (1): 402<>428, 2015a

B. M. Alexander and L. Trippa. Getting it first versus getting it right: weighing the value of and evidence for progression-free survival as a surrogate endpoint for overall survival in glioblastoma. Neuro-oncology, 17 (5): 765<>766, 2015

L. Trippa, P. Y. Wen, G. Parmigiani, D. A. Berry, and B. M. Alexander. Combining progression-free survival and overall survival as a novel composite endpoint for glioblastoma trials. Neuro-oncology, pages 345<>351, 2015b

S. Jo, J. Lee, G. Page, F. Quintana, L. Trippa, and P. Müller. Spatial species sampling and product partition models. In Nonparametric Bayesian Inference in Biostatistics, pages 359<>375. Springer, 2015

S. H. Ramkissoon, W. L. Bi, S. E. Schumacher, L. A. Ramkissoon, S. Haidar, D. Knoff, A. Dubuc, L. Brown, M. Burns, J. B. Cryan, et al. Clinical implementation of integrated whole-genome copy number and mutation profiling for glioblastoma. Neuro-oncology, pages 195<>200, 2015

S. Bacallado, S. Favaro, and L. Trippa. Bayesian nonparametric inference for shared species richness in multiple populations. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 166: 14<>23, 2015b

M. Riester, W. Wei, L. Waldron, A. C. Culhane, L. Trippa, E. Oliva, S.-h. Kim, F. Michor, C. Huttenhower, G. Parmigiani, et al. Risk prediction for late-stage ovarian cancer by meta-analysis of 1525 patient samples. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, page dju048, 2014

S. Wade, D. B. Dunson, S. Petrone, and L. Trippa. Improving prediction from dirichlet process mixtures via enrichment. The Journal of Machine Learning Research, 15 (1): 1041<>1071, 2014

E. Marco, R. L. Karp, G. Guo, P. Robson, A. H. Hart, L. Trippa, and G.-C. Yuan. Bifurcation analysis of single-cell gene expression data reveals epigenetic landscape. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111 (52): E5643<>E5650, 2014

B. M. Alexander, E. Galanis, W. A. Yung, K. V. Ballman, J. M. Boyett, T. F. Cloughesy, J. F. Degroot, J. T. Huse, B. Mann, W. Mason, et al. Brain malignancy steering committee clinical trials planning workshop: report from the targeted therapies working group. Neuro-oncology, pages 154<>160, 2014

E. B. Bourgeois, B. N. Johnson, A. J. McCoy, L. Trippa, A. S. Cohen, and E. D. Marsh. A toolbox for spatiotemporal analysis of voltage-sensitive dye imaging data in brain slices. PloS one, 9 (9): e108686, 2014

B. M. Alexander and L. Trippa. Progression-free survival: too much risk, not enough reward? Neuro-oncology, 16 (5): 615<>616, 2014

G. Parmigiani, S. Boca, J. Ding, and L. Trippa. Statistical tools and r software for cancer driver probabilities. In Gene Function Analysis, pages 113<>134. Springer, 2014

C. Bernau, M. Riester, A.-L. Boulesteix, G. Parmigiani, C. Huttenhower, L. Waldron, and L. Trippa. Cross-study validation for the assessment of prediction algorithms. Bioinformatics, 30 (12): i105<>i112, 2014

Y. Xu, L. Trippa, P. Müller, and Y. Ji. Subgroup-based adaptive (suba) designs for multi-arm biomarker trials. Statistics in Biosciences, pages 1<>22, 2014

J. Wason and L. Trippa. A comparison of bayesian adaptive randomization and multi-stage designs for multi-arm clinical trials. Statistics in medicine, 33 (13): 2206<>2221, 2014

S. Ventz and L. Trippa. Bayesian designs and the control of frequentist characteristics: A practical solution. Biometrics, 2014

G. Parmigiani and L. Trippa. Comment on Article by Müller and Mitra. Bayesian Analysis, 8 (2): 346<>347, 2013

B. M. Alexander, P. Y. Wen, L. Trippa, D. A. Reardon, W.-K. A. Yung, G. Parmigiani, and D. A. Berry. Biomarker-based adaptive trials for patients with glioblastoma? lessons from i-spy 2. Neuro-oncology, 15 (8): 972<>978, 2013

J. Lee, F. A. Quintana, P. Müller, and L. Trippa. Defining predictive probability functions for species sampling models. Statistical Science, 28 (2): 209, 2013

S. Bacallado, S. Favaro, and L. Trippa. Bayesian nonparametric analysis of reversible markov chains. The Annals of Statistics, 41 (2): 870<>896, 2013

J. Ding, L. Trippa, X. Zhong, G. Parmigiani, et al. Hierarchical bayesian analysis of somatic mutation data in cancer. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 7 (2): 883<>903, 2013

L. Trippa, E. Q. Lee, P. Y. Wen, T. T. Batchelor, T. Cloughesy, G. Parmigiani, and B. M. Alexander. Reply to b. freidlin et al. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 31 (7): 970<>971, 2013

L. Trippa and S. Favaro. A class of normalized random measures with an exact predictive sampling scheme. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 39 (3): 444<>460, 2012

L. Trippa, E. Q. Lee, P. Y. Wen, T. T. Batchelor, T. Cloughesy, G. Parmigiani, and B. M. Alexander. Bayesian adaptive randomized trial design for patients with recurrent glioblastoma. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 30 (26): 3258<>3263, 2012a

L. Trippa, G. L. Rosner, and P. Müller. Bayesian enrichment strategies for randomized discontinuation trials. Biometrics, 68 (1): 203<>211, 2012c

L. Trippa, G. L. Rosner, and Müller. Rejoinder. Biometrics, 68 (1): 224<>225, 2012b

L. Trippa, P. Bulla, and S. Petrone. Extended bernstein prior via reinforced urn processes. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 63 (3): 481<>496, 2011a

L. Trippa, P. Müller, and W. Johnson. The multivariate beta process and an extension of the polya tree model. Biometrika, 98 (1): 17<>34, 2011b

L. Trippa, G. Parmigiani, et al. False discovery rates in somatic mutation studies of cancer. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 5 (2B): 1360<>1378, 2011c

S. Petrone and L. Trippa. Bayesian modeling via nested random partitions. In S. Co. 2009. Sixth Conference. Complex Data Modeling and Computationally Intensive Statistical Methods for Estimation and Prediction, page 329. Maggioli Editore, 2009

L. Trippa and P. Muliere. Bayesian nonparametric binary regression via random tessellations. Statistics & Probability Letters, 79 (21): 2273<>2280, 2009