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Selected Publications
- Horiguchi M, Cronin A, Takeuchi M, Uno H. A flexible and coherent test/estimation procedure based on restricted mean survival times for censored time-to-event data in randomized clinical trials. Statistics in Medicine 2018; doi:10.1002/sim.7661.
- Uno H, Tian L, Claggett B, We LJ. A versatile test for equality of two survival functions based on weighted differences of Kaplan-Meier curves, Statistics in Medicine 2015; 34(28):3680-95.
- Uno H, Wittes J, Fu H, Solomon SD, Claggett B, Tian L, Cai T, Pfeffer MA, Evans SR, Wei LJ. Alternatives to Hazard Ratios for Comparing the Efficacy or Safety of Therapies in Noninferiority Studies. Annals of Internal Medicine 2015. June 9 online first.
- Uno H, Claggett B, Tian L, Inoue E, Gallo P, Miyata T, Schrag D, Takeuchi M, Uyama Y, Zhao L, Skali H, Solomon S, Jacobus S, Hughes M, Packer M, Wei LJ. Moving beyond the hazard ratio in quantifying the between-group difference in survival analysis. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2014;32(22):2380-2385.
- Uno H, Cronin MA, Wadleigh M, Schrag D, Abel GA. Derivation and validation of the SEER-Medicare myelodysplasticsyndromes risk score. Leukemia Research, 2014;38(12):1420-1424.
- Weeks JC, Uno H, Taback N, Ting G, Cronin A, D’Amico TA, Friedberg JW, Schrag D. Inter-institutional Variation in Management Decisions for Treatment of 4 Common Types of Cancer. Annals of Internal Medicine, 2014;161(1):20-30.
- Uno H, Tian L, Cai T, Kohane IS, Wei LJ. A unified inference procedure for a class of measures to assess improvement in risk prediction systems with survival data. Statistics in Medicine 2013; 32(14):2430-2442.
- Uno H, Cai T, Pencina MJ, D'Agostino RB, and Wei LJ. On the C-Statistics for Evaluating Overall Adequacy of Risk Prediction Procedures with Censored Survival Data. Statistics in Medicine. 2011;30(10):1105-116.
- Uno H, Cai T, Tian L, Wei LJ. Graphical Procedures for Evaluating Overall and Subject-Specific Incremental Values from New Predictors with Censored Event Time Data. Biometrics. 2011;67(4):1389-96.
- Cripe LD, Uno H, Paiettta EP, Litzow MR, Ketterling RP, Bennett JM, Rowe JM, Lazarus HM, Luger S, Tallman MS. Zosquidar, a novel modulator of P-gp, does not improve the outcome of older patients with newly diagnosed acute myeloid leukemia: a randomized, placebo-controlled, trial of the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG 3999). Blood. 2010; 116: 4077-85.
- Solomon SD, Uno H, Lewis E, Eckardt KW, Burdmann EA, Cooper ME, de Zeeuw D, Ivanovich P, Levey AS, Parfrey P, Remuzzi G, Singh AK, Toto R, Huang F, Rossert J, McMurray JV, Pfeffer MA for the TREAT Investigators. Erythropoietic response and outcomes in kidney disease and type 2 diabetes. The New England Journal of Medicine. 2010; 363 (12): 1146-55.
- Uno H, Cai T, Tian L, Wei LJ. Evaluating prediction rules for t-year survivors with censored regression models. Journal of the American Statistical Association 2007;102(478):527-537.
- Uno H, Tian L, Wei L J. The optimal confidence region for a random parameter. Biometrika. 2005;92:957-64.