R Software for Cancer Mutation Analysis

CancerMutationAnalysis Version 1.0: Download Mac/Unix Version Here | Download PC Version Here

R package to reproduce the statistical analyses of the Sjoblom et al article and the associated Technical Comment. This package is build for reproducibility of the original results and not for flexibility. Future version will be more general and define classes for the data types used. Further details are available in Working Paper 126.
The PC download differs slightly from the one currently downloadable from the Science website. To make sure the .zip file you download from the Science website is installable on a PC please unzip and execute R CMD build --force --binary CancerMutationAnalysis in a DOS command prompt. Then install as usual.

CancerMutationAnalysis Version 2.0: Download Mac/Unix Version Here | Download PC Version Here

R package to reproduce the statistical analyses of the Wood et al article. Like its predecessor, this package is still build for reproducibility of the original results and not for flexibility. Further details are available in Working Paper 126.

©2007 Giovanni Parmigiani